Art | Murals Home

Dr.Strange | 2023

Currently working on a Dr. Strange comic book cover. Due to the detailed nature of the piece, I am using the "doodle method" to assist transfering a digital image onto the wall.

NYC - East Village: Bowery Mural | 2022

Inspired by a mural in Brooklyn painted by Pose + Revok, I decided to replicate this mural in my garage. It is still a work in progress.

Pink Panther

Pink Panther | 2021

Customized my bathroom with a Pink Panther painting.


Yellow and Green | 2020

I was inspired to paint this by an home decorator @liz_kamarul on instagram. I changed the color scheme to match my house.

Thinker Alien

Thinker Alien | 2020

A scene of an alien sitting and thinking. The original artwork was by an artist that goes by the name Design (though I couldn't find their social), but as I painted the image on the wall, I added my own touch to some of the posters on the wall.


Tom and Jerry | 2020

This is an alternative take on one of my favorite childhood cartoon characters, Tom and Jerry. The original artist of the image goes by the name Dope Chef, though I could not find any of their social media handles to credit them here.


Rick | 2020

This is a cartoon character from the show Rick and Morty.

Cherry Blossom Landscape

Cherry Blossom Landscape | 2019

This is the first mural I have ever painted. I painted it in my room as a relaxing scene to look at.